We can all thank washing machines for helping us cope with the tedious task of washing our clothes. Whether it’s regular wear like t-shirts, trousers, and jeans, to other fabrics like towels, bed sheets and curtains, there’s no denying these machines, including those in AFRA’s selection, have made laundry easy and convenient.

Therefore, trying to keep these machines in good condition, for as long as possible, makes perfect sense. Regular maintenance helps a great deal towards that goal and can help keep your washing machine operating for years on end.

Now, you might think that maintenance can only be done by licensed professionals, and you might be right in most cases. But there are still some things you can do at home by yourself. So, we’ve compiled some tips here to help you keep your AFRA washing machine in optimum working order.

Deep Cleaning

Most people think their washing machines will perfectly operate 100 percent of the time. While we may wish it were true, this is simply not the case. Just like every other machine or device, your washing machine will encounter problems and begin to lose efficiency after a certain point of time.

In this instance, your clothing may not be coming out as clean as they used to. This is due to the scaling that builds up thanks to microscopic debris in the water. To get rid of scaling without causing damage the metal and plastic parts of your washing machine, you’ll need to deep clean your machine with a machine cleaner.

While you don’t necessarily have to buy the most expensive machine cleaner available, that doesn’t mean you have to spring for the cheapest one either. An average mid-range one will do the trick.

Clean the Rubber Gasket

The rubber gasket is an important part of any washing machine. It wraps around the edges of your washer-dryer, protecting your clothes from damage, and protects hands from sharp edges.

However, it can suffer lots of wear and tear, no matter if it’s a front load or top load machine. This is because of microscopic dust particles that accumulate and gather on the edges and sides of the gasket. Detergent and softener can also leave behind particles in the same place.

Furthermore, the gasket also suffers regular spills and often remains uncleaned because it is often ignored.

Thankfully, all you need to do is regularly clean the gasket once a week at minimum. A simple damp cloth will be all you need.

Protect from Spillage

Spillage from detergent can also cause residue to gather inside your washing machine. Even the best detergents and softeners can leave residue that turns sticky and smelly over time. The best way to get rid of this residue is by wiping it off with a mild dishwashing cleaner. Take special care to clean the inside of the drum as well, since lint, detergent and dirt residue can also build up there.

Leave the Door Open

This is probably a piece of advice you’ve already heard yourself: don’t close your washing machine door right after using it.

Common wisdom says that keeping the door open will cause dirt and dust to build up inside the machine. But while this is true to a certain point, this does not mean that you have to close it immediately.

You can remove moisture and prevent mould and bacteria build up, just by leaving the door open for 15 to 30 minutes. It also helps to dry up the tub and protect delicate parts from moisture damage. For good measure, you can wipe off the inside with a thick dry towel after washing and any leftover moisture has dried a little.

Clean the Detergent and Fabric Softener Dispensers

If you own an automatic washing machine, then you know they have separate compartments for detergent and fabric softeners. These two substances are automatically mixed with water and then poured into the tub. It’s a fairly clean process, and you don’t have to wait for the detergent to blend with water and then put in the clothes.

However, without proper cleaning, the containers will become an ideal refuge for bacteria and concentrated toxins. It accumulates as a transparent (sometimes greenish) texture that feels grimy to the touch. This residue will contaminate your machine as well as affect the quality of cleaning. If you want to avoid this issue, it’s best practice to clean these compartments regularly.

Use It Carefully

Your washing machine needs careful operation and proper care. While it may have a high washing capacity and a powerful motor, it’s still a delicate piece of equipment.

Take care not to stuff clothes in the machine. Putting in more than the suggested amount of clothes will prevent the machine from rotating properly and affect the drum’s circular movement. This will cause clothes to be only partially cleaned and will also cause damage to your machine’s motor.